Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 4 - Touring Port Stanley, Falkland Islands

Lat night we set sail to Stanley, the capital of the Falkland Islands. It was an overnight trip from one side of the Island to another! Today was a city tour of Stanley in the morning and a visit to a farm in the afternoon. Not by any means an expedition kind of stuff but we had to dock for a day in any case in Stanley to load up on supplies before we head out to South Georgia, Antarctica and back to Ushuaia in Argentina. I am not going into the history of the Falkland Islands except that it is a British Territory just like South Georgia. The difference being Falkland Islands has the British Military presence where as South Georgia does not. South Georgia is governed by Falkland Islands. In the morning we went around the city in a tour bus. It was a weird seeing vehicles drive like in India…on the left side! Visited some historical sites in the Falkland Islands and got a chance to mail some postcards back home! It is a popular ritual for visitors to mail cards from here!

Whale Bones at a collectors house….a private collection! IMG 4989

Lady Elizabeth Shipwreck IMG 4937

In the afternoon we visited a farm house….a very traditional one. IMG 5192

Sheep shearing. IMG 5199

We have started to sail to South Georgia. Its going to be two days at sea. Will try to post something interesting and general about my trip.

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