Saturday, November 5, 2011

A trip to the miracle continent…..Antarctica!

While I wait in Dallas for my connecting flight to Buenos Aires, Argentina, thought that I would begin my blog about this incredible trip that I am venturing out on. Yes folks, heading to Antarctica, South Georgia and the Falklands for 25 days on a National Geographic expedition covering about 5200 Miles or 8000 Kms! Over the past couple of weeks when I mentioned that I was going on a vacation and people would ask me "where to?….hope to a nice warm place", I would say "Antarctica", and it almost takes a couple of seconds for people to comprehend what I said and they repeat a couple of times as if to confirm that they did hear what I said by saying "Antarctica?……" followed by "WHAT!" with a puzzled expression, and some even "why?…as if to say why would someone even go to that place, its just ice!". So I am off to the coldest place on Earth, and will be on the continent for 6 to 7 days. So why to Antarctica some might ask. Well, one thing is to step foot on every continent. A little about Antarctica - the only time you can visit the continent is from November to March when its summer when the temperatures are bearable between 20-40 Deg F, only a 4 month window unless you like the -95 to -165 Deg F temperatures and wind gusts in the range of 150-200 MPH during other times! (Sorry folks you will have to do the Centigrade conversion).
So how do I get to Antarctica? Heading to Buenos Aires and then fly into Ushuaia (the southern most city in the world) and then embark on a amazing expedition ship named 'Explorer' to head to Antarctica. So what do we do on an Expedition or "this expedition". Well, we make trips to the Antarctic shores everyday - exploring the wildlife….yep Happy Feet and plenty of them, walk among the penguin colonies, the seals, leopard seals, sea elephants, whales who come for feeding from the North. It's not about just seeing these creatures but seeing them up-close, in their home. Kayak on the still waters of Antarctica. Because at this time of the year we will have almost 24 hours of daylight…yes my friends, the sun rises in November and sets in March, it gives me ample opportunity for exploration. We will be accompanied by researchers, marine biologists, naturalists, photographers, videographers. During the 7 day stint on the continent, we move from one part to another exploring the different wildlife, the iceberg formations. Yes I plan to take plenty of pictures at least 20,000 with a hope that about 250 come out good!LOL!
Hope to blog everyday, so subscribe to my blog to keep up with my adventure! Adios my friends it't time to board my flight! Antarctica Trip

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